Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day 5

I know, I am very bad at this. Is anyone even reading this? Not many it seems. I read around blogs and often see beautiful wonderful blogs with no feedback at all. I guess I had this idea from movies I had seen that there are a bunch of people on here just waiting to follow me. Maybe that is not so.

I visited my family this weakened. I don't remember if I had mentioned but I am very close to my family. I love them all so much and I am not a rebel child who went out or goes out to break free from my parents and try everything. Some people think it's weird to be close to your parent's as if I am some spineless gap child. But I don't think it is a bad thing to be close to your family, I think it is a good think. Friend's come and go but your family will always be your family. It is important to me to take care of our relationship because I think God want's us to be close. We keep each other accountable, and are compassionate to each other. I think it is the mature and right thing to do, to be accountable to someone, and I especially think that God gave me such a good family of purpose.

I am not the preachy Christian type, but if I am sure about anything I am sure about that.

Well when I visited, there was a bit of a feud going on. My sister, let's call her Calla, is a very eccentric person, very out going, a complete extrovert. Because of this all of her qualities are out in the open, the good and the bad. And for some reason, some of the foster boys my mom takes care of have this idea about Calla, like she is some shallow popular blond. They saw her, they imagined her so, and so they think she is. That is all they care to see or believe, and she is rude sometimes, but I never take offense to it or take it seriously, but them, they get their panties in a wad and want to make her pay, they want revenge. I told them both to treat her kindly and with respect, they are both about five years older. But no, they both said 'I am going to treat her how she treats me'. So they are cold, cynical and mean to her with this idea of who she is. They are not bullies, but they act like children. It makes me so upset, and really, I just want them to suck it up and start acting like adults. Despite the fact that Calla is rude at time's they are too, and Calla is a hard worker, a team player and a kind person, but when I told them that they both denied it because they already decided who it was. Fighting happens between siblings, but this isn't some fighting, it's some kind of battle for the alpha. Can't everyone just calm down and be compassionate? Really?

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