Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Day 4?

Yes, yes, I know I know. I am very much behind. I had thought about posting many times but didn't.

Since I have last posted life has certainly taken some stressful turn's, nothing too bad, just thing's that are awkwardly hard to deal with, like that spot on your back you just can't reach. That is how I feel.

Most of all Alex. For those of you who are keeping up he is a co-worker and someone who had creept me out. But I gave him another chance, and it ended like the last. He is nice, very nice, too nice. He is fake. He has nothing to talk about because everything he has to talk about is about stuff he know's will be a deal breaker for me. I took in my connection with God and just my woman's intuition and I just know from the deepest pit in my stomach this guy was dangerous and just wants to sleep with me. I know it sounds vain but trust me I don't just come up with these thing's to self praise. Instead I just know he thing's a small little girl like me is ignorant and easily bought. 

After I told him I was not interested in a relationship he told me that, that was okay, that we could be friend's but then asked me to hang out with him again. It is the exact same thing. One on one time with someone who I know is thinking dirty thought's. I told him I don't have time, which I do so he continued to text me twice a day to ask me what I am doing and ask me to hang out. I continued to say 'No' so get this, the guy shows up at my house.

I then tell him I am not interested in being friend's with him, that get's him to leave me alone, but then gossip about me to my other co-workers that I don't want to be friend's with him. The thing is at work, he is a nice, little sweet caring guy, but I know it is a front, well I did after meeting with him twice. But the girl's don't know that. So I am not the mean person who wont be friends with someone as sweet as Alex. How can I tell them that it is because he is being creepy and in reality just wants to sleep with me? I can't, it just sounds vain, and I would not be believed.

I had to decided it was okay if they didn't believe me. I feel like I fell ass first into some drama though. I don't like drama and try not to be part of it. I thought he would back off as soon as I told him I was not interested in a relationship do, most men do, but no he fought and fought and fought making thing's into a bigger deal than they were.

Blah, I don't have time for this mess. I don't have time for man drama. If I say 'no' I mean 'no' not 'try harder and buy me stuff'. No that is just weird. Cut it out. Jeez.

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